Thursday, July 29, 2010

Que aprendi esta semana?

Esta semana yo aprendi de los pronombres y adjectivos tonicas. Era dificil porque tenias que pensar si los nombres eran singular o plural. Tambien tenis que pensar si el nombre era femenimo or masculino. Yo tuve que practicarlo mucho antes del examen. Suerte que lo ise bien en el examen!

Shakira - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA ...

Waka waka

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll is a singer from Barranquilla Colombia. She started writing poetry at the age of four. Her name Shakira means thankful in Arabic. She has infused her music with the Arabic music by belly dancing and using the traditional Arabic drum the doumbek. She sings in both spanish and english. She is a very successful women she has received many Grammy and Latin Grammy awards. She performed for the finally of the 2010 world cup Spain vs Holand. She performed a song called waka waka.

oscar de la renta

Oscar De La Renta is a very famous fashion designer. He was born in the Dominican Republic. At the age of 18 he moved to Madrid Spain where he fell in love with fashion. hes traveled to many places all over the world and has established many boutiques in places like Greece, Spain, and United Arab Emirates. Here are a couple of his designs the dress in the left hand corner is worth $6,000!!!! They are pieces from his 2010 collection.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What I learned this week

What i learned this week is to not trust Hispanic stereotypes. Those of us who live in Texas have a set idea of what Hispanics are like. Take for examples of food and music. Many think that Hispanics listen to the same type of music that all sounds the same. Well their are many different types of music in spanish speaking countries Rock, salsa, tejano, and more. They even listen to music from other non-spanich speaking countries like The USA, France, and Japan which are very popular. As for the food we think that all Hispanic food is spicy. That is not true many countries like Argentina and Puerto rico do not use hot spices in their cuisine. Puerto rico have their own version of a Tamale. They use they use bananas and potatoes for the dough instead of corn and flour. They fill it with things like garlic, pork tomato sauce and green peppers.


Salma Valgarma Hayek is a very famous Mexican Actress, television director, television and movie producer. she grew up in Veracruz Mexico. She was sent to the The united states at age twelve to The Academy of Sacred Heart in Louisiana. She learned that she had dyslexia at that time. She overcam not only that but her language barriers when she move. Some of her work staring in the movies lonely hearts, Frida and co executive producer of Ugly Betty. She currently stars as Roxanne Chase-Feder as Adams Sandlers wife in Grown Ups!

Arte Maravilloso

Eli Joel Rodriguuz Jr. nacio en San Antonio Texas. El usa color de agua en sus crecciones. Cuando trabaja en con sus pinturas, el es inspirado con musica! le gusta pintar montanas y a viajado al Santa Fe, Colorado, y otras cordilleras . su arte es muy maravilloso no? El es un pintador muy famouso en los Estados Unidos. Las pinturas se llaman...
Esquierda- Dove's paradise
Derecha- Southwest Summer

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What I learned

This week I learned that its important to let other students experience culture from the Spanish speaking world. It is not all about handing the student a book and making them memorize the vocabulary . Every Spanish speaking country has it own and different culture. Its important because it makes the students feel closer to the language and if they engage more in class than its more likely they will learn more and put in more effort.

La Llorona

La Llorona or The crying lady is one of my favorite folklore tales from my child hood. Her name was Maria uhh i don't like it because thats my name and the story isn't pleasant. Maria was a very beautiful young women she refused to marry anyone she didn't consider the "most handsome man in the world" she found him he was a cowboy. They married and had two children but he soon wanted to be out in the prairies and would leave for long periods of time. When he would visit it was only to see his children and he wanted to marry another women who was closer to his class. She grew angry with her children and threw them into the river they drowned and she soon realized what she had done. The villagers found her dead the next morning and it is said that you can hear crying for her children! some say it is myth but many claim that it is real and warn their children to stay away from river because La llorona may snatch them up and never return them.

Gana Espan!

Bueno Spania gano la copa mundial de 2010! A primero nadie estava metiendo ningun goal nadamsa se acercaban al portero. Despues de un tiempo el Equipo de Holanda empeso a jugar sucio. Que lastima que ellos an manchado ese juego bonito con sus acciones malos. El juego sigio a treinta minutos de tiempo extra ya mero se acabab quando Andres Iniesta metio un GOAL!! y con eso ganaron los espanoles. Son los mejores!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Espana contra Holanda

Cuando Espana jugo contra Alemania el 7 de ganaron con el goal de Puyol Julio 1-0 . Y con ese goal Espana llega a los finales en la Copa Mundial. Ellos nunca an ganado una copa mundial. Juegan contra Holanda el once de julio. Son el ultimo pais hispano que qeuda. Ojala que ganen!

Juanes y Nelly Furtado - Fotografía (con letra)

Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez mas conocido de el nombre Juanes es un famoso cantante. El es De Colombia pero el ha ganado la atencion de muchas personas de differente paises con sus canciones dulces.Tambien creo el fundacion
Mi Sangre. Esta fundacion ayuda las victimas de las minas antipersona. Aqui esta un video de unas de sus canciones mas famousas!

La Huacana, Michoacan
This is the town square from where my parents came from.

I can speak spanish but......

Well...yes i can speak spanish. My parents are from Mexico and though my family moved here and i was born and grew up in the United States i cant read or write very well. This week i am learning that even though some people like myself know the language its hard. when I am in class i get confused when terms like demonstrative adjective and indirect pronouns. I have to be honest i don't even know those in English. Thinking about those terms takes me out of my natural spanish speaking environment and i question myself a lot. I studied for the test like i would any other test and i struggled with the writing a little, but that's why i am taking the course to better my knowledge in writing and reading in Spanish.