Thursday, July 15, 2010

What I learned

This week I learned that its important to let other students experience culture from the Spanish speaking world. It is not all about handing the student a book and making them memorize the vocabulary . Every Spanish speaking country has it own and different culture. Its important because it makes the students feel closer to the language and if they engage more in class than its more likely they will learn more and put in more effort.


  1. I completely agree. I love the interaction in this class. We are diverse and it is important to engage each other for a rich learning experience. Thank you for your contribution and your willingness to help those of us with limited experience in Spanish. Because of your friendly attitude and wonderful smile, you will have be successful in whatever you do!

  2. I completely agree! One of my posts was very similar to this. I appreciate Dr. Reynolds class for this reason. Getting to do more than just sit and stare at a book makes the class way more enjoyable. I like getting to learn about the culture through music and movies.
