Thursday, July 8, 2010

I can speak spanish but......

Well...yes i can speak spanish. My parents are from Mexico and though my family moved here and i was born and grew up in the United States i cant read or write very well. This week i am learning that even though some people like myself know the language its hard. when I am in class i get confused when terms like demonstrative adjective and indirect pronouns. I have to be honest i don't even know those in English. Thinking about those terms takes me out of my natural spanish speaking environment and i question myself a lot. I studied for the test like i would any other test and i struggled with the writing a little, but that's why i am taking the course to better my knowledge in writing and reading in Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. i admire your thirst for more knowledge of your native language most people take it for granted and dont study the language, keep it up girl!
