Thursday, July 15, 2010

La Llorona

La Llorona or The crying lady is one of my favorite folklore tales from my child hood. Her name was Maria uhh i don't like it because thats my name and the story isn't pleasant. Maria was a very beautiful young women she refused to marry anyone she didn't consider the "most handsome man in the world" she found him he was a cowboy. They married and had two children but he soon wanted to be out in the prairies and would leave for long periods of time. When he would visit it was only to see his children and he wanted to marry another women who was closer to his class. She grew angry with her children and threw them into the river they drowned and she soon realized what she had done. The villagers found her dead the next morning and it is said that you can hear crying for her children! some say it is myth but many claim that it is real and warn their children to stay away from river because La llorona may snatch them up and never return them.


  1. A lesson to all of us! To marry for anything but true love has terrible consequences. That is true all over the world.

  2. Maria, thanks for sharing your version of La llorona. I have heard several versions but never that she married a cowboy!

  3. This was very interesting to me. I liked hearing the story and I think it was great to hear your version instead of you posting the original. Hearing a story like this one makes you realize bad things can happen to those who force themselves into things or do things for all of the wrong reasons.

  4. Oh my goodness! This is a terrible folk tale! I would for sure hate it if my name was in it! The picture is frightening enough but the take is just aweful! Good thing it's just a folk tale. I prefer the folk tales that are funny or uplifting, where good things happen to people. This is very entertaining and interesting though I must say.
